Tuesday, March 27, 2007

BLACK TOP MOTORCYCLE GANG hits the pavement hard!

The satisfaction of starting something new can only be surpassed by actually accomplishing something with it -- and in under a week, we seem to have done both...

FredROCKton is filled to the gunnels with crazed people and their equally crazy plots. From Sir Charles GodDamn Roberts &c., up to and through the middle century antics of the street trolling stock car racers, and into the punk and jazz infused late 20th century, this place has always been a hotbed for the weird and wonderul, the exiled, the lunatic. (Remember everyone -- where nothing happens, anything is possible... don't forget, DTK records started here, the UNB Art Centre has pumped out shows on everything frojm the Holocaust to grafitti and tattoos, the creative writing department here is the oldest in Canada, Eric Hill lives here and Walter the Farting dog passed his gas on our hallowed streets...)

The BalckTop MotorCycle Gang, our quiet city's latest collective is set to squeel forth and lay down the rubber on the main drags. Watch out for us at art openings, and local coffee houses, birthday parties, weddings, and any open green space we can find.

You know them all.
You love them all.
Now feel the power of the Spoken Word...

Jeannine Gallant
Matte Robinson
John Heinstein
Biff Mitchell
Eric Hill and here
Old Skull

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