Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This is Noah Levine and his book "Dharma Punx".

Time makes us stupid -- causes us to say things like "oh wow, it's been THAT long" and some such shit. And such is the foolishness that has recently erupted from my mouth...

You see, I've been practicing zen sitting meditation for 18 years now -- yup, that's right, 18 years worth of sitting there, staring at the wall, counting breaths.

Not only that, but I started going to punk shows 23 years ago -- oh wow, that's a LONG time...

And for all that, they have coexisted inside me -- remember, it was the Buddha who said 'and question me too'. Question authority, question reality, question yourself... it all fits together...

So as time passes, and we see that passing, we sometimes slip into the stupidity that makes us throw our balding head back and laugh and say "Mick Jagger is still at it? Oh man!"

But here I am, still buying Rancid CDs and still sitting still, counting breaths.

And in my best moments, I know this to be right and true, that I am on a good path, and that it all fits together in grand stupidity.

Right on Noah. Thanks.

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